Healing can be overwhelming at times. I realise we all have different stories & different experiences, but from what I noticed, we end up in a pretty similar place…
…Forgetting about taking care of ourselves. Neglecting our needs. Often accompanied by a range of autoimmune conditions. Exhausted. Sabotaging our happiness. Addicted to sugar, drugs, alcohol, shopping, working… And we are aware that we must take care of ourselves, but it’s all too much. Too overwhelming. Too stressful. Too complicated. Too expensive. Especially when we have little ones.
So starting small is key. Setting achievable goals. Doing things slowly and with a lot of self-compassion. I have listed 6 things that I try to do, even on the worst of days. They help me feel human on the days I am too depressed, anxious and flared up. On the days when everything hurts. On the days when all I want is to be taken care of. Sometimes, these small things can turn the day around.
⋒ Drink warm water. Drink lots of warm water (lukewarm in summer, hot in winter) with small sips throughout the day. In Ayurvedic terms drinking warm water supports your agni aka the digestive fire, which helps with digestion, elimination, and moisture levels of your body. When we are well hydrated we feel better, have more energy & clarity. Invest in a thermal stainless steel bottle and take it with you everywhere.
⋒ Take 5 minutes to breathe deeply. Just 5 minutes. Breathe in for a count of 5, and breathe out for a count of 10. That’s 4 breaths a minute, 20 breaths in total. Try in through the mouth and out through the mouth x 5, in through the mouth and out through the nose x 5, in through the nose and out through the mouth times x5 and in through the nose and out through the nose x 5. Feel how the breath touches your nose and throat and fills in your lungs with fresh air. Enjoy this moment. You can repeat it a few times a day if you want.
⋒ Dance to your favourite songs. Move gently and listen to your body. It will tell you what it needs. If you need some inspiration, check out my Intuitive Movement playlist here.
⋒ Take a shower or a bath. Bonus points for some essential oils and herbs. Choose them mindfully. Smell them and pick the ones to make you feel nurtured and loved. Remember to always dilute them in a little of a carrier oil, like sunflower or olive oil. If you don’t have any oils, get a few basic ones, like Lavender (Lavandula anguvstifolia), Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile), Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis) and Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens). I recommend getting these at Neal’s Yard Remedies, Oshadhi or Materia Aromatica.
⋒ Go to bead earlier that usual. Preferably before 10pm. It’s amazing what a good nights sleep can do. Trust me.
⋒ Walk barefoot on the grass. Barefoot walking on earth, also known as grounding is believed to discharge our energy field, much like an earthing device does in case of a lightning hitting a building. Grounding is believed to relieve tension, calm down our nervous system and help you sleep better. I love it.
⋒ Expose your face to daylight. It helps regulate your circardian rhytm and is simply life giving.
⋒ Talk with someone you trust and feel safe around.
Do you have any practices or rituals that you hold on to when the going gets tough?
Warmly, Olivia