By Megan Vickers, Women’s Health Physiotherapist
Prenatally, perineal massage prepares the soft tissue around your birth canal for the birth of your baby; it can shorten the second stage of labour and help prevent tears. We recommend beginning perineal massage at 34 weeks, performing it 2 to 3 times per week up until labour.
Postpartum, perineal massage supports the healing of tears and episiotomy scars. To repair wounds, your body generates scar tissue which is comprised of irregular lines of collagen and fibrin that don’t stretch easily. With activities such as intercourse, this new tissue can feel like it is tearing when in fact it is just stretching. Postpartum perineal massage encourages elasticity in the scar tissue, easing pain and discomfort. We suggest perineal massage begin at 6 weeks postpartum, and be done 2 to 3 times per week until the tissues have healed and softened.
You can massage yourself or invite your partner to massage you. Begin by situating yourself in a comfortable position that naturally opens and stretches your perineum (your perineum is situated between your vaginal opening and your anus). For example, one foot on the side of the bathtub, or on the floor or bed with your legs splayed.
For a more sumptuous massage, warm the oil before you begin by running the closed bottle under hot water.